Recently, I shared the Kindle Edition of the book "Stone Soup" with members of our team (Stone Soup on Amazon). This children's book tells the story of how some savvy travelers were are able to bring a community of people together to make something out of nothing. It is a cute fable that demonstrates some simple truths (of course, that has not stopped some 'wanna be' business gurus from overstating and over-analyzing it - stay away from this, if at all possible). I have read through this book several times as an adult (it only takes a few minutes) and always enjoy it. I will not break it down (a.k.a., deformulate it) any further, in case you would like to read it yourself. However, I would like to share what moved me at this recent itteration - that is, reflecting upon the people I have encountered along my journey as an entrepreneur/business owner.
I have been fortunate to have been engaged by some very fine people over the years. They have served as mentors, both intentionally and unintentionally. Many have given their time and talents for no other purpose than to attempt to make me better. I owe them all a debt of gratitude and could not create enough blog posts to list them by name or magnitude of contribution.
In that same context, our firm has been fortunate to have some very fine employees - people who have elected to commit a significant portion of their lives to being dedicated to doing what we do. This is an honor we do not take lightly. Some of these people have made their contributions and have moved on, while others are here now, making a difference (making soup) every day. My thanks goes out to these people, as well. Working with fine people has been one of our our great fortunes and, as we grow, we will continue to recruit those who have a positive outlook, a professional demeanor, a mind for continuous improvement, a strong work ethic, and a dedication to science and the analytical services industry.
Since this post breaks almost all of the "best practices" for blogging, I will blow the company horn one more time. Please take a look at News and Announcements when you have a moment - you will see some information that fits well with the content of this post.
...going to make some soup now...